About Houston BOMA

The Houston Building Owners and Managers Association is a leader in political advocacy and representation for the commercial real estate and property management industries. Join our 1,100+ members in the fight for balanced, thoughtful, and business-friendly policies in Houston and Texas and enjoy the many benefits of membership.

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Our Position Statements

Where We Stand on the Issues

The Houston Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) advocates on behalf of over 320 million square feet of commercial real estate in over 2,200 buildings in the Houston area. More than 1.5 million people work in Houston office buildings every day and Houston BOMA members support 60,000 area jobs. Houston BOMA members represent over $650 million in annual tax revenue and $30 billion in tax valuations.

We support:

Fair and Justifiable Taxes and Rate Rollbacks

Any taxes should be broad-based and carefully tailored to minimize any adverse economic effects. Property valuations should be equal and uniform across the marketplace, and tax rate rollbacks should closely mirror elevated valuations.

Continuance of the Property Tax Revenue Cap 

Repealing the property tax revenue cap would allow the city to increase property taxes unrestricted, with no mandate to account for increasing property valuations. We support stop-gap measures that limit the ability of City Council to continue increasing property taxes via valuation increases.

Quality of Life Policies That Respect Property Owner Rights

City quality of life regulations should promote economic growth and job creation, and broaden the city’s tax base. Houston BOMA supports logical, reasonable, and fair regulations that give predictability to new development, while allowing for proper assessment of the impacts on local services, infrastructure, and the environment.

Building and Operating a Sustainable Environment 

BOMA members support a more sustainable environment by reducing the use of energy, water, and other natural resources, using cost-effective means that properly weigh net benefits with the costs to implement. We support voluntary programs that are incentivized through tax rebates or grants.

Practical Code Development and Enforcement

BOMA supports fully vetted actions and practices that promote exemplary public safety, security, emergency preparedness, and incident prevention in commercial real estate buildings that weigh the net benefits of any proposed regulations with the implementation costs to Houston businesses.

Streamlined and Cost-Effective Government

BOMA supports local initiatives that make our government more accountable, transparent, fair, practical, streamlined, and cost-effective. We support the utilization of technology and best business practices to create a more efficient and effective City government focused on serving Houstonians. All fees imposed by the City should be fair, transparent, predictable, and justifiable and directly relate to the cost of the services for which the revenue is being assessed.

Texas BOMA

Texas Building Owners and Managers Association (Texas BOMA) is comprised of six federated local associations and is the state association of BOMA International. With 2,000 members statewide and 70 years of legislative representation in the commercial real estate industry, Texas BOMA leads the way for advocacy at the local level.

Visit BOMATexas.org